Hi Everyone
With Christmas just around the corner a busy time is upon us all. Please take note of the important dates above.
We are exited to be at the National Botanic Gardens at Glasnevin for the Christmas fair and look forward to meeting some of you there.
We would also like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year. We will be closing for the holidays on the 20th December and will be back and trading from the 6th of January.
Regards Wendy.
Hi everybody, we are exited to announce our new products.
A range of carrier oils to compliment our own pure essential oils.
We would like to share this image of the new production room here at Woo in the Willows.
This was finished at the beginning of this year, sorry it has taken so long to share with you all.
Hi Folks, sorry this our first update for 2024. We have plenty to share with you, We have a new production space to be photographed and shared soon.
We have also been redesigning and extending the apothecary garden as you may have seen on instagram.
We had a loveley vist from Anne from @kelterphotography who has catptured the essence of the garden wonderfully which we will be able to show you soon, thank you Anne.
We will catchup with you all again soon.
As 2023 is coming to an end we have now closed for the holidays, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
We will re open on the 5th of January 2024. Have a happy New Near.
What a difference a week makes, from spring back to winter. A view across the lavender labyrinth. there are seven rings planted, each with their own angustifolia variety, interplanted with native daffodils to give colour in early spring.
Varieties are; Vera, Hidcote, Arctic snow (appropriately), Grosso, Munsted, Officianalis and Rosea.
For those interested in our journey we post daily on instagram at woo in the willows.
Best wishes Wendy X
Spring is here with the arrival of “imbolc” or St Bidgets day. The spring bulbs are rising and soon the trees will start to bud.
We are looking foreward to our lavenders, daisies and other home grown botanicals to start their wonderfull journey toward becoming part of our natural product range.
We hope you all had a wonderful festive time. we are back with new vigour and new ideas to be announced soon and look forward to doing more business with you.
Please check out our instagram page @woointhewillows for our daily blog on sustainable living, gardening and products.
many thanks
Christmas postal dates 2022
With postal strikes in the UK we feel bringing postal forward to the 12th is necessary for the UK and EU outside of Ireland.
Within Republic of Ireland please order before the 15th to avoid dissapointment.
Louisburgh folks, we are closing for christmas on 20th December so please order by then for collections and delivery.
Christmas break from 20th December until 3rd January, we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.